Remembering @ToddyFur #BeMoreToddy

#BeMoreToddy Aug. 10, 2024
12 noon PDT ~ 3PM EDT ~ 8PM BST ~ 5AM AEST

The August #Pawgaritaville will be to honor our dear friend Toddy Furrington on the 5th anniversary of his crossing the rainbow bridge. . @ToddyFur was a friendly steampunk bear who loved tea, jazz, and gingery novels. The #TeddyEmbassy was Toddy’s first home away from home. With friends Chalky and Cuddles, he established a place where all anipals were welcome. He enjoyed beekeeping and bartending at #FurryTails, where they had fancy tea parties. Toddy was also the leader of #TheAviators, from 2013 until his valet passed a way in 2019. Honoring fallen anipals, developing advanced flight schools and leading adventure flights to far off laces. A Lancaster was Toddy’s aircraft of choice, although he also enjoyed flying in his red Hawk T1. .

Toddy had many whimsical outfits like a WWII pilot and a cricket player. Toddy liked tea and Islay Single Malt Whisky, plus fancy desserts. He was a skilled graphic artist, creating avs and banners for #Pawgaritaville.

Toddy also had a hug of about a million stuffies. After he went OTRB @TourGuideTed and Kevin’s niece @natalie_rizvi sent out members of the hug to Toddy’s friends. I’ve gathered a few photos on a separate page, and @TourguideTed has the complete list on his blog. [links to follow]

Toddy DJed at #catmaseve, #chilipawty and here at #Pawgaritaville.. He also did most of the excellent #pawgaritaville graphics. Sadly, he stopped coming to parties after his valet Kevin passed away. We all miss him dearly.

#BeMoreToddy Costume Pawty

Join us on October 12th as we honour our friend Toddy Furrington and his Clockwork valet, Kevin, with the be more Toddy costume pawty. What is a “Be More Toddy” pawty. We here at #Pawgaritaville don’t really know either.You may come as a stuffy or wear a smoking hat. There will be chortles and “jolly goods’ and ‘well done chaps” These things will be superficial but should make a great pawty. To us at #Pawgaritaville, Be More Toddy is treating friends and strangers with a gentle kindness. . Come join us on the beach , have a great time and Be More Toddy.

Toddy was 1 of the founders of #Pawgaritaville. The idea of an island retreat spoke to him just as it has to the rest of the #Pawgaritaville staff. His paw prints are all over this island. From our staff avis and posters promoting our pawty. to our mascot, Myrtle, to the very font we use in our promotions and on our blog. It was Toddy’s idea that we not be a fundraising pawty. That #Pawgaritaville was just a place where we could let our fur down and have fun. Behind the scenes Toddy was always that calm, gentle voice of reason, advising us as we navigated the anipal pawty scene.

There are no words to adequately describe how much we miss Kevin and Toddy. He was a friend and mentor to all of us at #Pawgaritaville. We are choosing to honour their contributions in the way that Toddy would have wanted. Laughter, dancing and some very good single malt whisky.

See you all on October 12th

The Pawgaritaville Team