Support Staff


The #Pawgaritaville staff grease the wheels of the pawty and help get things done. We’re going to blame Squirt for the idea. Breeze thought it might be a great pawty and Lucky couldn’t resist the idea of a giant tequila slide.

I knew there would be tequila involved at some point.

All of our staff have been involved in promoting #Pawgaritaville, so we won’t mention everyone by name.

This pawty is Squirt’s idea, so if there are any illegitimate kittens as a result of the #Pawgaritaville blame him and not @WinstonTabby!

Blog: @kittehboi @luckygsd @toddyfur

Graphic Artists: @kittehboi @toddyfur @TweetingTruman @PuppyNumber7 @PurrbotKitty

Nip Chef: @TweetingTruman

Tequila Quality Control: @peanutbrittle13 @luckygsd

Head Lifeguard: @TerenceTerrior

Deputy Head Lifeguard:  @ilovejambutties

Scheduler: @luckygsd