Remembering @ToddyFur #BeMoreToddy

#BeMoreToddy Aug. 10, 2024
12 noon PDT ~ 3PM EDT ~ 8PM BST ~ 5AM AEST

The August #Pawgaritaville will be to honor our dear friend Toddy Furrington on the 5th anniversary of his crossing the rainbow bridge. . @ToddyFur was a friendly steampunk bear who loved tea, jazz, and gingery novels. The #TeddyEmbassy was Toddy’s first home away from home. With friends Chalky and Cuddles, he established a place where all anipals were welcome. He enjoyed beekeeping and bartending at #FurryTails, where they had fancy tea parties. Toddy was also the leader of #TheAviators, from 2013 until his valet passed a way in 2019. Honoring fallen anipals, developing advanced flight schools and leading adventure flights to far off laces. A Lancaster was Toddy’s aircraft of choice, although he also enjoyed flying in his red Hawk T1. .

Toddy had many whimsical outfits like a WWII pilot and a cricket player. Toddy liked tea and Islay Single Malt Whisky, plus fancy desserts. He was a skilled graphic artist, creating avs and banners for #Pawgaritaville.

Toddy also had a hug of about a million stuffies. After he went OTRB @TourGuideTed and Kevin’s niece @natalie_rizvi sent out members of the hug to Toddy’s friends. I’ve gathered a few photos on a separate page, and @TourguideTed has the complete list on his blog. [links to follow]

Toddy DJed at #catmaseve, #chilipawty and here at #Pawgaritaville.. He also did most of the excellent #pawgaritaville graphics. Sadly, he stopped coming to parties after his valet Kevin passed away. We all miss him dearly.

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